Lana B Coaching

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You vs. The World

The Balance that exists between self-care and doing what we can to help

This week on the vlog…

I explore the notion of being of service without sacrificing our wellbeing and I reveal the one built-in navigation system that helps us along our way...

Click above to watch!

As you have no doubt read in earlier posts, my new online video-based course called, If I’m So Smart, Then Why Don’t I Feel More Confident, begins on May 25th. If you'd like to have more impact in your life or know someone who would, please consider joining us. This is a 7-week course, but the benefits will last a lifetime.  And don't forget to use my coupon code EARLYBIRD2020 to receive $50 off if you sign up by May 18th. 

Click here or below to see a video I created for those joining us...

Of course, if you'd like more information about the course, including an in-depth description of the 7 modules, please click here to learn more.

And finally, see what some of our Beta test students had to say about the course:

I hope you enjoy this week’s video blog, as well as our brand-new, free offerings. If you have accessed the Real Confidence series or the Pandemic Project (or both!), or would like even more information on our upcoming Confidence Course, please feel free to reach out to me directly - I’d love to know your thoughts and answer any questions!

Stay well. Stay Connected. Stay Safe.