At a border crossing between Canada and the U.S., I was once asked what I do for a living. I responded, “I’m a coach.” The Border Patrol officer perked up and asked, “oh, like for Volleyball?” (how he imagined I was a volleyball coach, I’ll never know...but that’s when I decided to tell him what I really meant!)
“I work with smart, capable women who strive to make a difference in their world but who struggle with insecurity and doubt.”
He looked a little surprised and then dubious so I continued…
“I work with women who keep second-guessing their abilities and their worth and as a result, they tend to hide out and play small in their work and life.”
As he returned my passport he said simply, “I could use a coach.”
Hi, I’m Lana.
I’m a professional certified coach, author, podcaster, blogger and mentor and I love to wake women up to their own worth so that they can make an impact in their work and in their lives. While the days of women encouraged to be shrinking violets are long gone, too many of us still find ourselves holding back and staying in the shadows - whether personally or professionally - because of feelings of insecurity and doubt. No more.
There is simply too much that is lost to the world when we stay hidden and reduced. I know this, because this was me.
I’d love to work with you and share how I overcame insecurity.
““In only three sessions with Lana, I was able to delve more deeply and effectively into some of the things keeping me stuck, than I have in years of therapy. It was remarkable and impressive and inspiring. Lana will be the first person I phone when I need to break through my next barriers to happiness and success.””
Street Cred
I have an Undergraduate Degree (Honours) in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Industrial Relations where my work was published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and the Academy of Management Journal. Having immersed myself in the world of personal development for decades, I have been certified from The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo, Concordia University, and the Robbins-Madanes Coaching Program. Some of my writing has also been quoted in the book, Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide for Separation, Liberation & Inspiration by Karen C.L. Anderson and Katherine Woodward Thomas.
I also…
Co-authored the book, Women and Confidence: The Truth about the Lies we Tell Ourselves
Contributed to the book, From The Heart
Co-created the online digital program, Confidence In A Box and the upcoming (summer 2021) digital program, The Confident Coach.
Registered 3PCG practitioner at 3PCG.org
Coach volunteer at Heartfelt Presence
Writer of my weekly blog (6 years and counting!)
Change Coach for Dr. Amy Johnson (including leading office hours bi-monthly)
Co-creator and co-host of the podcast Wise Women Speak (2018)
When I’m not coaching, writing, or podcasting, I can be found daydreaming about living abroad, eating amazing food and laughing with new friends...all whilst traipsing about the countryside looking for standing stones ;) You can also find me venturing out to photograph the beauty of people and places along my way, listening to great music as I ‘carpool’ karaoke my way down the road, traveling the world with my husband (and daughters when they’re around), immersing myself in the history of the ancient world...or simply snuggled up with some of my favorite books or favorite shows...Outlander, Game of Thrones or VEEP anyone?
If you’re dying to know more, here are 3 things most people don’t know about me…
I’ve been on stage while Bruce Springsteen did a sound check for the Grammy Awards
I’ve walked on fire
I used to live on Broadway in NYC
Bonus: I’m a hopeless romantic (there’s nothing hopeless about that!)
Want to learn more about how we can work together?
Contact Me for a 20 minute consultation