Welcome to the Love Series. We created this series as a source of inspiration, insight, and hope. Within these conversations, we invite you to reflect on what you are hearing and how it may apply to your own relationship or potential relationships.
It is our hope that in listening to these conversations, you experience your own insights that lead to a new way of relating to and experiencing Love.
xx Lana & Linda
featured interviews
In this video, Life Coaches Lana Bastianutti & Linda Ford interview their colleague and Relationship coach Rohini Ross about creating healthy boundaries. Rohini shares her own personal experience blurring the line and the helplessness created when we blame our partners for how we feel as well as the unnecessary burden we place upon ourselves to make others feel better and what we need to understand in order to release all of this. Find Rohini at: www.rohiniross.com
In this video, Life Coaches Lana Bastianutti & Linda Ford interview their colleague and fellow coach Del Adey-Jones to discuss the juicy topics of narcissists, gaslighters, and co-dependency. Del shares her own personal experiences and outlines what to look for (or rather, look out for) and what to do if you find yourself in such a relationship. Find Del at: www.deladeyjones.com
In this video, Life Coaches Lana Bastianutti & Linda Ford interview their colleague and Relationship coach, Karen Jones about understanding MEN. In this interview, Karen shares what women misunderstand about Men and what she wishes women knew about their true nature and their desires when in relationship with women. Find Karen at: www.theheartmatters.com
In this video, Life Coaches Lana Bastianutti and Linda Ford interview their colleague and fellow coach, Wyn Morgan about his own evolution in the dating world. Wyn shares how he has come to understand relationships in a whole new way and how his list of partner requirements actually limited his ability to really see and connect with a person. We also talk about feelings of rejection and how to confidently navigate dating. Find Wyn at: www.wynning.co.uk
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