Drummer Boy

does everyone have innate wellbeing?


It was more than a year ago that I attended a school concert for my daughter and became absolutely mesmerized by a young boy playing the drums.

He played as if his life depended upon it.

Except...there was no desperation to his playing.

There was no fear.

There was only pure exuberance.

Every beat and movement told a story.

He garnered the spotlight although he played no solo. 

His energy and zest were contagious and I quickly found myself smiling and internally cheering him on.

All around me, others in the audience began smiling and pointing out his efforts.

One by one like dominoes, we fell under the spell of this living breathing personification of joy.

How did he have such an affect on us?

Why were we so enthralled?

The answer for me was simple. 

He reminded us of a truth that touches the deepest parts of our knowing:

how best to live life.

This young drummer boy was creating his own masterpiece with each beat of the drum;

Completely present in the moment.

Connected to his soul.

Joyful and unafraid.

Radiating with love.

Those of us who witnessed his efforts found ourselves captivated.

It was wild and free and honest. 

It was something to be honored and for many, perhaps, coveted.

I think, in truth, watching him, we were reminded of

who and what we are capable of

when we let go of all extraneous thought

and allow ourselves to just...


in the moment.

And I knew that this young boy had shed all thoughts of fear or judgement or insecurity as he tapped into a greater truth; one that allowed him to soar in the face of any false identities that prescribed who he was or how he should show up. 

Perhaps we smile not at the boy and his playing, but rather in recognition of one soul finding their wings and their freedom.

And perhaps we mistakenly think that such freedom is no longer available to us...

perhaps we mistakenly think that such freedom is reserved for the young or the naive or the blessed and the brave.

If only we knew...

if only we believed...

once and for all

that the true mistake lies not in our being...

but in our thinking.

Well...I imagine, upon that realization, we would soar as well.

Lana Bastianutti