Life's Gift
The thing that Life does so naturally
For the next few weeks, I’m going to be writing about things that came to mind during my travels this summer.
One of the first things I noticed whilst traipsing around Europe, besides the number of ruins, was the resiliency of life.
Everywhere I looked I saw ancient walls or cobblestone roadways, and in amongst the rocks and ruin, I saw Life emerging from its crevices in the form of a flower or a plant of some kind.
It seemed that Life couldn’t help itself.
It seems that Life is meant to matter the obstacle and no matter the conditions.
In realizing this truth, I also realized that this same Life resides within all of us as well.
We are designed to matter the obstacle and no matter the conditions.
Consider the number of times in your own it through the world or simply to the grocery store, that you notice a little bit of Life appearing in the most unexpected of ways; a flower nudging its way through the seams of a sidewalk, a fresh batch of dandelions on a recently weeded yard, a vine winding its’ way up and through and around your gutters.
Notice how Life doesn’t concern itself with circumstances.
Notice how Life continues to do what it does best: live, thrive, continue, grow, reach and rebound.
Consider also the number of times in your own life that you have persevered and continued on in the most unexpected ways and despite the obstacles thrown in your way.
That is Life living life.
We were born to it.
We were born for it.
We were born of it.
Carry on.
Oh, and did you check out this week's podcast? Every week I sit down with Linda Pritcher and we ask women to share with us and our listeners how they used wisdom and inner guidance to recognize and navigate a life of meaning, and to discover and speak with their own authentic voice. We hope you will be inspired to listen in more deeply to that voice within you.