
What I learned about feelings from having Vertigo

Photo courtesy of Jeff Golenski

Photo courtesy of Jeff Golenski

Dear friends,

I just spent an amazing weekend with one of my favorite mentors; Dicken Bettinger. He is a remarkable human being who imparts such simple wisdom effortlessly. I will be saying much more about what he had to say and any realizations I had for myself in later posts. 

It's been a busy and creative summer. If you don't already know, I am one half of a podcasting partnership called, "Wise Women Speak" in which we give voice to the wisdom in women. We've been posting new episodes weekly, so please take a listen and if you feel so inclined, please give it a rating and a review (it helps us spread the word more easily).

I'm also partnering with another colleague to present some coaching programs and a book that we've been writing for the last year. It's release date should be in the fall.

I'll attach a link to both the podcast and the program below. Information on the book will be forthcoming. ;)

Finally, here are my musings for this week...enjoy and be well.


Many years ago I experienced a terrible bout of Vertigo. If you've never experienced it before, count yourself lucky. It can be truly debilitating and frightening.

Only a short while ago, I experienced a recurrence of this condition and went to the doctor to see if there was anything new that they'd discovered that could help with this situation or at the very least the duration of the episodes. The doctor proceeded to tell me something that, on its surface, appeared to be absolutely counter-intuitive.

He advised me to encourage a state of Vertigo by swinging my head upside down and side to side. Needless to say, I was shocked by such a suggestion as even the mere thought of inducing Vertigo created a queasy feeling within my system.

Up until that point, I had been calculatingly careful in the placement of my head...keeping it perfectly still and steady so as not to inadvertently trigger an 'episode'.

What I realized, however, was that in all of my efforts to ward off the Vertigo, I had unwittingly created even more tension and resistance within my body, which, ultimately resulted in an even bigger reaction once the Vertigo hit.

By inviting the Vertigo rather than resisting it, I was, in effect, working with my system and allowing it to do what it needed to do to self-correct. My well-intentioned efforts at control had unwittingly done the opposite. 

So it is with our emotions. Often in resisting what we don't want to experience rather than allowing it to run its course, we create an even bigger 'monster' that ends up persisting despite our best efforts to the contrary.

There is wisdom in the expression, 'what you resist, persists," whether we are talking about Vertigo or our emotions.

Carry on.

For more information on my programs: Coaching with Impact & Closing the Gap, click the button below.


Wise Women Speak

Giving Voice to the Wisdom in Women

Oh, and did you check out this week's podcast? Every week I sit down with Linda Pritcher and we ask women to share with us and our listeners how they used wisdom and inner guidance to recognize and navigate a life of meaning, and to discover and speak with their own authentic voice. We hope you will be inspired to listen in more deeply to that voice within you.

Lana Bastianutti