What if life was just a game?
if you knew it were a game,
what would you do?
Good old Kenny Rogers was right when he sang, “You gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run.”
Life sure can be messy. It can seem to be moving along swimmingly, and then whoosh, stuff happens.
Change happens.
People happen.
Circumstances happen.
In such times, you may feel inclined to hibernate, withdraw, and cocoon. It seems the safer course of action - or at least you convince yourself of that.
In life, however, fear of uncomfortable feelings should never be the impetus for sitting the game out.
While there may be a time and a place to withdraw, there is also a time to engage despite the messiness and despite the uncomfortable feelings...knowing that in the end, it is just a game.
There is really nothing to win and nothing to lose.
The real point of the game is to play.
To be counted.
To be a gladiator and not a spectator.
As Theodore Roosevelt so eloquently stated:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
And so, I say to myself as I say to you,
Get in the Game.
Get. In. The. Game.
For so many people, the reason they don’t ‘get in the game’, to begin with, is that they lack confidence. They feel like they are not good enough. I can’t tell you how many clients and friends I’ve talked with who have some version of ‘not good enough’ in them. And yes, that was me too, for so many years.
It is such a painful, exhausting, and limiting feeling, isn’t it? It holds us back from so much in life - whether in our personal relationships or our work or how we see ourselves. And it alters dramatically how we show up in life and how we live our life.
After years of study and training and ‘working on myself’, I finally became aware of something that simply turned my relationship with confidence on its head. The answer I had been seeking all those years had been there all along. I had just been looking in the wrong direction.
As it turns out, confidence is innate to all of us. Yup. We all have it…naturally. There isn’t anything to build or develop or convince yourself about. But, you have to know where to look. And it is both simpler and closer than you think.
Confidence In a Box: The Online Course
After seeing this for myself, I decided to not only write a book on the topic of confidence but also create an online video-based program with Master Coach, Linda Ford. We designed both the book and the program to break the barriers that are getting between you and your natural confidence so that you can GET IN THE GAME of life fully and freely.
Our online program is now available as a standalone so that you not only get immediate access but you can work through the program at your own pace. I am so very proud of what we have created and the lives we have already impacted. I invite you to take a look and see about discovering the confidence that is already within you so that you too can feel free in all aspects of life.
Here are just some of the kind words we have received thus far from participants in the program:
“Thank you! thank you thank you! I feel so grateful the Universe put you in my life at the right time and place. I’ve learned so much in the last 7 weeks. I just had another aha moment!”
- Ida Gardner, CA, USA
“This is one of the most powerful and life-changing courses I have ever taken. I feel blessed and privileged to have had access to such wisdom and to have gained so many new insights.”
- Claire-Louise Osorio, Freelance Translator, Great Britain
“Taking part in this course has literally changed my life! I used to hide behind a veil of insecurity, staying small and hiding my creative talents. Now I move through the world in a whole different light. I have no expectations of outcomes… I just go and do what I love to do without the heavy baggage. I feel I am now living an authentic life.”
- Kathy Whines, Australia
“There are people who come into our life, and for whom we are forever changed by them. Lana and Linda have done this for me! They are warm, kind, curious, and engaging, and they have an uncanny ability to move you from complexity to simplicity and to a life free of limitations and full of new possibilities. I would highly recommend to course to anyone who is wanting to feel more confident.”
Carmen A., Management Consultant & Leadership Coach, Houston, Texas
”I highly recommend this video course! It offers profound yet practical insights and advice on how to live more fully and confidently. This course brings together many other fantastic and varied experts who in conversation with Lana and Linda explore our innate human nature and how we sometimes get in the way of accessing the confidence, wisdom and common sense that we are all born with, and provide very practical suggestions for living more confidently in both our personal and work lives. The course is structured for you to easily see how keeping in mind these insights can impact your life for the better.”- Maureen Smith, Italy
“The course is superbly designed to pull back the curtains of what confidence is, and how it is actually is an inherent part of our true nature. This course lovingly disrupts what looks to be a real of a lack of confidence. I have come away with a deeper understanding of my true nature and how the mind works. I now have a more playfult attitute than I ever thought possible and all within 7 weeks!”
- Carina L. Great Britain
We’d love to see you take part in our course and take the first step toward changing your relationship with confidence forever. If you have any questions about this program or would like some personal coaching, please don’t hesitate to email me. I’d love to talk with you.
Stay safe. Stay well. Stay connected.