Afraid no one loves you?

The good news that can shift everything

Several years ago I attended Byron Katie's School for the Work. If you're not familiar with the woman or her work, please do yourself a favor and check it out. 

One of the many things she said that had a lasting impression was her response when asked if she worried whether other people liked her, "Everyone loves me; I just don't expect them to realize it yet."

At the time, I was absolutely intrigued by her answer. I knew she was seeing something I was not. She seemed to exist on a different plane of understanding.

While she seemed to welcome and accept every experience that came to her, I seemed to selectively welcome and accept only those that I wanted.

While she accepted and loved everyone and everything that she saw, I was cautious, carefully picking through my options.

While she led with love even in the face of opposition, I often led with fear and defensiveness, especially if placed in a situation with unknown variables.

While she KNEW everyone loved her; I was pretty darn SURE not everyone loved me.

I hadn't thought of her words until recently. Suddenly I just GOT it.  More than that, I understood and saw it for myself on a bone-deep level. 

What I saw was that without all of the thoughts and beliefs and incessant chatter that rattles through the mind...

telling us to like this and not like that

resist this and embrace that,

accept this and reject that,

we would be left with only love .

Love is, in essence, who we are without all the thoughts telling us otherwise. 

We innately have a deep abiding and unconditional LOVE for all things; for all of life.

We ARE a representation of life and we ARE an embodiment of LOVE.

How can we NOT be in awe and in LOVE with that which we already ARE?

How can we separate ourselves from our essence and the essence that is shared by all others?

Underneath our thoughts and beliefs exist this pure and pulsating LOVE that has no need or desire for conditions. It accepts everything as IS. Because all of it represents LIFE. 

We are all living in the illusion that love is conditional. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We are its purest form beyond thoughts, beliefs, and conditionings,

and as such, we, like everyone else, can’t help but love everyone and everything...

we just may not realize it...yet.

Lana Bastianutti