Lana B Coaching

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The Promise of a Moment

Within each moment, a promise of possibility is held.

It is a sacred covenant between

The soul and the soul-giver.

The form and the formless.

The energy and the oneness.

I overlook the magic of the moment; the tantric dance of the mystical as it moves

Within and without.

Above and below.

Around and throughout.

Until in a moment, I stop, and I Breathe…

In as without.

Above as below.

Around as throughout.

Can I hear the calling?

The calling of my wounded mind?

The calling of my wounded heart?

The calling of my wounded soul?

It is a siren’s call; a love letter designed to entice, cajole and coax me into playing within the cosmic mandala of life. 

And in one sacred moment, I give in and cry out and give voice to

All that I am.

All that I have been. 

All that I will be.

In one sacred moment, 

Of one sacred life

Within one sacred soul

The promise of all that is possible takes breath.